To collaborate seamlessly with clients, Kickoff documentation can be found in the Kickoff tab in Resolve. Within this tab you can create, edit, and publish Kickoff information.
Generating and Publishing a Kickoff Document
- To generate a Kickoff document navigate to Workbench > Projects > Select Project > Kickoff
- Click on Generate
- Select the template you would like to use from the drop down.
- Once generated you will see the below screen. Now you can edit any section of the Kickoff and it will be saved automatically. Any client_short or client text will be automatically populated with the Clients name once the Kickoff is published.
- Once you are happy with the information, click on Publish to Track. This will make the information available to track users and any new changes will be automatically published to track. The client will also receive an email that the Kickoff documentation is ready to view.
Overview of Kickoff Sections
All Kickoff sections allow the user the ability to edit specific fields, add fields, delete fields, and add additional notes. All tabs will be automatically filled in with information provided in the template.
- Objectives and Scope:
- The Scope & Assumptions field will be automatically generated with information from the template, this field syncs directly with the Project Scope field on the Projects Overview page. To make a change to project scope, you will need to do it here.
- The Scope & Assumptions field will be automatically generated with information from the template, this field syncs directly with the Project Scope field on the Projects Overview page. To make a change to project scope, you will need to do it here.
- Rules of Engagement:
- This allows you to add items and their description for rules of engagement. You can edit, delete, or add any items here.
- Requirements:
- This tab allows you to add requirements for the project and assign who has responsibility over the requirement as well as the status.
- This tab allows you to add requirements for the project and assign who has responsibility over the requirement as well as the status.
- Project Risk Management:
- As mentioned before this information is filled based on the template. This specific tab cannot be edited, however you can add any additional notes you would like.
- Communication and Escalation Procedures:
- This tab makes it easy to add Client and NetSPI contacts. Simply start by typing in the name of the Resource and if the user is in Resolve, select the user and their information will automatically be populated.
- This tab makes it easy to add Client and NetSPI contacts. Simply start by typing in the name of the Resource and if the user is in Resolve, select the user and their information will automatically be populated.
- Project Timeline:
- The project timeline works the same as other tabs except for there are two read only and required fields. Testing and verification sync directly to the Project Start and Completion Date on the Project Overview page. Delivery of report to ClientShort syncs directly to the Report Due Date field in the Project Overview page. These must be filled out for the project here, so you may receive a pop up asking you to complete this information.
- The project timeline works the same as other tabs except for there are two read only and required fields. Testing and verification sync directly to the Project Start and Completion Date on the Project Overview page. Delivery of report to ClientShort syncs directly to the Report Due Date field in the Project Overview page. These must be filled out for the project here, so you may receive a pop up asking you to complete this information.
- Action Items:
- This works the same as the requirements tab, except when it is published clients can edit the status of individual action items.
- Notes:
- The notes tab will automatically be populated with the below text.
- The notes tab will automatically be populated with the below text.
Other Kickoff Features
- Download Kickoff Document: You can download the Kickoff document as a PDF by clicking on the download button in the upper right hand corner.
- Change Kickoff Template: If you accidentally selected the wrong template, you can change the template by going to the three dot menu and selecting change template. If you change the template, you will lose any changes you have made to the previous template.
- Unpublish from Track: If for any reason you need to unpublish the Kickoff document from Track, you can do so by going to the three dot menu and selecting Unpublish from Track.
To view the track documentation for Kickoff please see: Utilizing the Kickoff Tab