Compare Workspaces
Workbench users can now compare workspaces within the same project or across multiple projects. This adds the ability to see similarities and differences across recurring tests and bulk assign remediation states to items that have not been rediscovered from past projects.
Remediator Dashboard
A new and improved Remediator Dashboard has been released for Track users. Now using our new grids to display assigned vulnerabilities and personal performance metrics:
And More!
- Multiple instances of a finding can be flagged as an "Entry Point" in bulk in the workspace
- All fields can now be edited, archived, and renamed using the Entities & Fields page in Administration
- Now it is possible to bulk edit the 'User authentication state' field in the instances grid
- CVSS scores can now be sorted and sent to integrated systems
- When manually bulk importing instances you can now override the states of existing instances
- The remediator dashboard has been updated to use new grids and provide improved personal metrics
- The floating async jobs queue will now default to closed unless expanded manually
- Scan Monster demos are now available in track when no live scan data is available
- Enhanced logging infrastructure
- "Export as PDF" option is removed from the grids
- Asset Name column has been renamed to Asset Label in non-asset grids
- Long verification name titles will now be wrapped
- Verification type 'Code' is now removed
Bug Fixes
- Custom date fields were not showing Calendar icon to pick the date
- Track users were not able to view all the duplicate instances they are authorized for when clicking on the ‘View authorized duplicates’ link
- While editing finding remediation state in bulk, users will be allowed to update only those remediation states that they are authorized for
- Fixed an issue with the finding remediation state workflow while editing the finding in bulk
- Project Recent activity section was showing unformatted HTML
- ‘View Authorized duplicates’ banner was displayed on instances grids randomly
- Entering domain name is no longer required to login to Resolve via LDAP when only one domain is configured
- Fixed issues with calendar navigation on IE11
- Finding state will not change while assigning/unassigning users to the finding
- While importing an AppScan XML file, it was adding variant reasoning into instance description field, this is fixed now
- Fixed an issue in Scan Monster where it was showing incorrect scan duration
- Project activity history was showing incorrect username when project type on the project is changed
- Other UI/UX fixes