This month we added the ability to edit comments, bulk export all grids, view duplicate instances globally, bulk upload documents to projects, and more!
Global Instances
The largest enhancement in this version is the addition of Global Instances! Previously, duplicates were only exposed to the user in the workspace finding tree. Now, when duplicates are created, the first published instance is elected as the Global Instance and all duplicates are nested underneath it as Duplicate Instances. When viewing a duplicate instance a banner is present across the top of the details page, directing you towards the Global Instance. Click here to learn more.
When viewing the Global Instance you will have access to the Last Sighted Duplicate in the right-hand overview panel, as well as a grid of all duplicates underneath the Duplicates tab.
Grid Bulk Export
All grids across the platform now support bulk exporting! When viewing any grid, click the selector icon, choose Select All, and select Export as CSV underneath the Bulk Actions grid.
Did your file not download when you clicked Export as CSV? Learn more here!
Comment Editing
Comments are now editable! By selecting the Edit button underneath any comment you can adjust the content, as well as if the comment is posted to Track. Additionally, Workbench-only comment are now noted in the top of the comment with a "Hidden from Track" banner.
And More!
- When viewing the Sources tab of a Project in Workbench, you can view the imported data by clicking on the row for any data source
- A new Project status "Pending Retest" has been added, to denote projects that have completed execution, but have not undergone remediation testing
- Created and updated on columns have been added to the grids for Findings and Instances
- The Checklist template editor now scrolls left-hand content, making sure the editor panel is always right where you need it
- The rich text editor expands to a preset size and scrolls, allowing easier access to the text editor options for large content bodies
- Verification items now have spellcheck enabled in the name field
- Load time for Resolve application has improved
- New importer for Rapid 7 InsightAppSec
- Document upload in projects now supports multiple document uploads simultaneously
- Updating a project type on a project adjusts checklist items and finding severity according to new project type
- Data lab now allows searching, sorting, and filtering
Bug Fixes
- Nessus importer ignored IP address when both IP and DNS were provided
- Clicking the cancel button when editing finding data did not revert changes
- Breadcrumb navigation removed grid filters and searches
- Double quotes were showing up HTML encoded in imported scanner verifications
- Project types were not respecting Business Unit authorization boundaries
- Parameter field was labeled Query Parameter when adding a manual instance
- Various Internet Explorer 11 fixes
- Editing/Deleting a duplicate verification item impacted the original ones
- Fixed an issue with Instance grid where incorrect count for Verified Instances displayed
- Fixed issue with Publish All instances button on Finding grid, where it was not working if few instances from grid are already published
- Async job floating icon and Help Hero icon were overlapping