New Feature Functionality
- Global documents are supported. You can upload document files through the Track or Workbench modules. Track documents are automatically shared with Workbench; sharing Workbench documents with Track is optional.
- Additional finding information is editable, such as the business impact or remediation instructions. Modifying this information only affects that finding; the information in the associated the master finding variation is not affected.
- Remediation states can be set for findings. Over ten states are available, including accepted risk, retest, reassignment requested, and exception requested.
- Asset properties are editable in Track and Workbench.
- States can be set for assets in Track and Workbench.
- When assigning a questionnaire through a Workbench project, you can preview available questionnaire templates. The available templates are comprised of templates matching the project type or templates that have been assigned to the project through the Administration module.
- You can optionally configure an SLA policy for findings through the Administration module. The due dates for new findings are automatically calculated based on finding severity.
- You can create project groups within a business unit. Three levels of project groups are supported.
- Integration with Slack is supported. Findings can be posted to a Slack channel. Contact NetSPI for assistance with configuring this integration.
- Integration with Atlassian Jira is supported.
Bug Fixes
- Searching for Track findings by description failed.
- When uploading a data source, the Site and Zone drop-down menus weren't displaying values.
- If a data source for a report wasn't selected from the first page of the grid, report generation failed.
- If only one user was assigned to a Workbench project role, the user couldn't be removed from the project.
- The findings tree did not always display after importing a large file.
- Some modifications to master findings, sites, and questionnaires weren't saved.
- Some permissions were not correctly applied to Workbench roles.
- The left navigation sometimes disappeared when refreshing the page.
- Several minor functionality and user interface issues are addressed for various features.
- User experience improvements are added for ADA compliance.
- Several Internet Explorer browser issues are addressed.