Documents are files that might need to be referenced during the course of the project by team members working in Resolve. These files might include additional project or scope information or reports generated throughout the project.

While many file types are supported, there is a file size limit of 200 MB.

In Track, documents are uploaded to a specific project. When adding a document, you can specify if you want the document to be available globally or only to those who have access to the project. Global documents are accessible from the left navigation and are visible to users that have a Track role with document permissions enabled.

Track and Workbench documents

Documents uploaded to a project in Track are automatically shared with that project in Workbench. If a document is configured to be globally available in Track, it's also globally available in Workbench.

When a user uploads a document to Workbench, they can specify if the document should be shared with Track or available only in Workbench.

To add a document file to a specific project.

  1. From the top menu, select Track > Projects.
  2. Click the project entry.
  3. In the Grids area, click the Documents tab.
  4. Click Add Document.
  5. In the File area, drag or paste the file, or click to add the file.
  6. (Optional) Enter the description.
  7. Select whether the document is public or private.
  8. Click Add Document.