Most collections of items in Resolve, such as assets, projects, and users, are presented as entries in a grid.

Row-level actions

The right-most column of a grid contains an ellipse icon (  ) for each row. You can use this icon to perform actions on a single entry in the grid.

Tip: To perform actions on multiple entries, use the Bulk Actions drop-down menu.

Bulk Actions Selectors

Every grid has the option to select all options on the current page, with certain grids allowing "Select all" functionality. You can find these options by selecting the arrow column header above the checkbox column in the grid.


Bulk Actions drop-down menu

Every grid has a Bulk Actions drop-down menu for managing grid entries. Although the available actions vary by feature or entity, each action is performed the same regardless of which grid you're working with.

Note: This menu doesn't appear unless at least one entry in the grid is selected.

Actions might include:

  • Clone selected entries
  • Merge selected entries
  • Delete selected entries
  • Export selected entries to a PDF or CSV file

Some entity grids have options unique to that entity. For example, the findings grid in the Track module has an option to assign selected findings.